

Skippin' Out Already

Skip came back to MN with me this weekend for Thanksgiving and was a bigger hit than pumpkin pie. 

Skip even befriended my mom's dog, the notoriously rotten Rico. They wrestled and chased each other around all weekend. Here they are getting ready for Christmas and auditioning for the part of Max in The Grinch. 

Here is the best news: While I was making gravy, Skipper was networking with the whole Nelson clan - my longtime friends and neighbors. There must have been some pretty serious synergy in that interaction, because
Skips is now pending adoption!

Skipper was breaking hearts for 5 days straight (aka getting adopted) and between the cuddling and playing he didn't have time for many naps. Here is Skipper looking tired and adorable from living that tough puppy life. 

My brother Will threatened to steal Skipper a few times and make him his own. Skip's not mad.

I'll be kissing this tiny face as much as I can for the next few days until little Skips goes home forever.